Language and Cultural Days

Learning about Languages

All children at Halcyon Way will have access to different languages at an appropriate level through termly Language and Community Days as we believe that all children benefit from opportunities to develop their intercultural understanding. There is a two year continent cycle, Europe or Africa/Asia which then links into the half termly themes. Each term will then have a focus country, for example, Germany, France, Spain. Before the planned day arrives, staff collaborate to plan appropriate activities for their class meeting the holistic and cognitive needs of the children.

Classes may choose to deliver a range of activities throughout the week or plan to cover activities on the designated Language and Cultural Days.

Underpinned by the values of mutual respect and tolerance, the children are immersed into a day of exploration and celebration to allow them to experience different aspects of culture in tailored but appropriate ways. Staff plan multi-sensory activities for their class with support from external visitors who provide additional exciting sessions such as music performances, immersive story telling experiences and authentic cuisines to try.

The day allows the children to make simple comparisons between their own country and culture and others. For some children, specific language teaching may be appropriate and staff can deliver this themselves or ask for support from the Languages Lead.

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