Assessment for Learning

Thorough and careful assessment processes ensure children make outstanding progress.

Assessment for Learning is an integral part of the learning and teaching process, based on each child’s learning priorities, progress and achievement. Although at Halcyon Way we use some targets (statements of learning) within the planning process, these are generally non-sequential and are absolutely personal to the child and their current point of interest or development.

All learning, whether it be planned or incidental, is recognised and captured and any targets set only serve to aid the assessment and reporting process over time. Good progress is measured taking into account individual starting points and learning needs and a judgement is made accordingly. Each child’s achievements, no matter how big or small, are recognised, valued and built upon. A child may demonstrate learning towards an identified target or not, but in doing so will also demonstrate learning in a multitude of other ways which are then captured and evidenced. Progress can be measured whether planned or incidental.

Halcyon Way uses an electronic system called SOLAR to support the planning, recording and reporting of children’s learning. SOLAR hosts the Kingfisher Runways Framework, which has been written by Kingfisher and can be adapted and developed freely. Any progress is measurable and can be reported on at an individual and whole school level. Evidence and celebration of a child’s learning on SOLAR is shared with parents via e-mail at the end of every half term.

Given the move to more immediate and accessible recording and assessment tools, staff have more energy, time and opportunity to be creative in their planning for learning and engagement.

Within the area of Cognition and Learning, these statements of learning are developmental between the Runways but they are not an exhaustive list for children to work through and progress is not measured by their blanket completion.  Planned and incidental learning outcomes are recorded which all go to evidence a child’s lateral and linear progress over time.

Within the three areas of Communication and Interaction, Sensory and Physical and Wellbeing (Social, Emotional and Mental Health), statements of learning are again used as a guide to highlight key priorities for individuals which can be added to and developed over time.

Pupil progress meetings are held termly with the Director for Teaching and Learning and the Executive Principal. Within these meetings each child’s progress is discussed, challenged and justified and new priorities for learning are agreed.  In this way, children’s progress is closely monitored through a support and challenge model which ensures staff have high expectations for children and that they are acutely aware of their differing needs and learning priorities at any time in their learning journey.

Teachers update each child’s targets where appropriate, and review the strategies at least termly.

Engagement Model

The Engagement Model is a statutory requirement designed to help schools meet their duties in supporting pupils who are working below the level of the National Curriculum. Staff will observe and record children’s learning within the five areas of Engagement; exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation to create their individual Engagement Profile.

The Engagement Model will be used in conjunction with our planning, assessment and recording systems to provide a flexible, holistic assessment of pupils not engaged in subject-specific study.

The Engagement Profile is a summative recording format which will show how a child responds when highly engaged.  This will allow for staff to reflect upon, trial and implement different ways to increase engagement in areas where there is low interest and engagement.  Each individual child’s Engagement Profile will be shared with families during their annual PPM.

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