
We provide a wide range of meals to meet the nutritional needs of all pupils and liaise closely with the School’s Catering Service to ensure that children’s particular needs are met. Menus are varied, nutritionally balanced and are carefully monitored and graded using a “traffic light” system to demonstrate different texture options for children who have difficulties with certain consistencies. Cultural requirements are also considered with all meat being halal and vegetarian options always available.

The menus have been devised in collaboration with the school and the Catering Service to meet the complex and individual needs of the population and are constantly under review.

As all meals are cooked on site, if a child has any specific requirements, the school kitchen are happy to accommodate individual needs. The school’s inclusive practice ensures all children, whether they are gastrostomy fed or otherwise, receive varied, safe and sociable meal times.

We recognise that for a variety of reasons, some children may prefer to bring a packed lunch. This may be because they have a restricted diet due to their individual need. We advocate that parents provide a healthy packed lunch for their children but accept that this can be difficult at times when sensory needs impact on the range of foods, textures and colours that children will tolerate.

During dinnertime breaks, children can access a range of lunchtime activities, and have opportunity for free play in the playground.

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